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Sector News


Hace 78 años, un 4 de Octubre, se fundó la Asociación Internacional de Radiodifusión – AIR, con el principal objetivo de defender la Libertad de Expresión y el pleno funcionamiento de miles de Radios y Televisoras privadas e independientes, en las tres... ...more inforrmation.

Costa Rica: AIR Reitera su preocupación ante nuevas amenazas y hostilidad contra periodistas y medios de comunicación

La Asociación Internacional de Radiodifusión, AIR, reitera su más grave preocupación por las distintas situaciones que se padecen en Costa Rica, en alarmante detrimento de la Libertad de Expresión.
Tras las amenazas proferidas en Junio...
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Venezuela: New violations of Freedom of Expression and Human Rights

The International Association of Broadcasting (IAB) reiterates its strong condemnation and rejection of the systematic violations of freedom of expression and human rights in Venezuela.
Hundreds of radio and television stations have been forcibly closed down in Venezuela, and this deplorable...
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IAB Activities

Exitosa Reunión del Comité Jurídico de AIR en Buenos Aires

Con la organización y auspicios de nuestras socias ARPA y ATA, se reunió en Buenos Aires, el pasado Lunes 5 de Agosto, el Comité Jurídico de la AIR.
Con la presencia de las máximas autoridades, expertos y directivos de las entidades, se desarrolló una...
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IAB participated in Consultation Meeting of the IACHR Rapporteurship on Freedom of Expression

Ana María Urrutia de Lara was specially invited as a panelist.
The Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression (RELE) of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), launched the Program on Freedom of Expression and the fight against discrimination and...
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IAB Board of Directors meeting in Washington DC approved the "IAB Basis for legislation on platforms and new digital technologies in defense of Freedom of Expression and Democracy".

The IAB Board of Directors held its Mid-Year Meeting on Monday, May 13, organized by its Institutional Partner, the National Association of Broadcasters - NAB, with an excellent program of activities.

The meeting was conducted by the President of IAB, Dr. Paulo Tonet Camargo, and...
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IAB is...

The International Association of Broadcasting – IAB- is an Organization that groups private associations of radio and television in different countries and regions as well as Institutional members, and TV channels and radio stations as individual members.

It was founded in 1946 as the Inter-American Association of Broadcasting and nowadays it represent over 17.000 private stations.

  • IAB is a non-governmental organization consultant to the United Nations and UNESCO Associate Member.

  • IAB is Sector Member of the International Telecomunications Union - ITU

  • IAB has mutual co-operation relations with the Organization of American States and is Associate Member of the Inter-American Conference of Telecommunications.

  • IAB is a Member of the World Press Freedom Committee – WPFC

  • IAB is a founder member of the World Broadcasting Unions - WBU (Sister Unions).

  • IAB keeps mutual co-operation relations with the Inter-American Press Association – IAPA – as well as with the International Press Institute – IPI

IAB is permanently defending Freedom of Expression of Thought and freedom of reception of all kinds of broadcasts, to foster the collaboration of the broadcasters in public interest and social service activities. IAB’s targets are also to contribute to the cultural improvement of the peoples, and their economic and social welfare; to strive to establish uniform legal rules to protect the activities of private broadcasting to apply rules on professional ethics for broadcasters; to act in representation and defense of the interest of private broadcasters before official and private entities, and to promote all kinds of continental, regional, or domestic meetings on subjects of interest for broadcasting.

IAB principles have been vibrant during over six decades of work, and they are shown in the Statement passed by the Special General Assembly held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on June 7, 1985.